5 Most Difficult States To Get A Medical License In


The Medical License Process Has Changed

Applying for a medical license can be a very time-consuming hassle. While this process used to be simpler, those days are long gone and have been replaced by hours of paperwork and sometimes months of waiting! Each state has its own requirements, board restrictions, fluctuating fees and navigating these roads can sometimes be riddled with headaches and wrong turns. To exacerbate this process, some are more difficult states to get a medical license in. To facilitate the process, make sure you know what each state has in common and contact a professional medical licensing service who can assist you with a very personalized service. 


Applying For A Medical License: What States Have In Common 

The application process has a very specific sequence of steps that must be met in order for your application to be accepted and not returned. They can be very complex, forcing you to wade through each state’s individual requirements. However, when you begin this process, keep in mind that many states share a similar baseline and noting these similarities will help you in the long run. The requirements that are similar requests between states are:


  • Verification from School/Residency
  • References
  • Malpractice Documentation
  • Controlled Substance Registration (CSR)
  • Interviews
  • Follow-ups
  • Time


Bundle these seven requirements together in a place you can easily access. As you begin to fill out multiple applications, having these documents in a place you can easily recall, will make the application process run smoothly for you.

How Can You Define The Application Process?

If all of the states share the above requirements, how can you quantify which ones are the most difficult states to get a medical license? This may be a subjective question as many people quantity “easy” and “difficult” differently. For example, a state like Michigan is considered “easy” as it has a very quick application turnaround and a low application fee. A state like Texas is considered “difficult” as the application fee is higher and the turnaround is a lot longer. If you value your time and money, this can quantify for you what becomes easy or difficult states to get a medical license. For the purposes of our list, we have identified states that are “difficult” based on cost of application, test taking requirements, time of application, and a state with not a very communicative and proficient process.


5 Most Difficult States to Get a Medical License:


  • Accepts FCVS
  • Application Fee: $1,002 plus registration fee, which may vary
  • Application Timeline: 4-6 months
Number of attempts at Licensing Exam:
  • 3 attempts at each USMLE Step or COMLEX Level. (Exceptions may apply for applicants who held a Texas Physician in Training permit on or before September 1, 2005 or who have been licensed in good standing in another state for 5 years.
Minimum Postgraduate Training Required:
  • 1 yrs
  • 2yrs IMG
Time Limit for Completing Licensing Examination Sequence:
  • 7 years+ to complete the USMLE or COMLEX. (Exceptions may apply for applicants who are especially board certified or who completed combined MD/PhD programs, or who exceed the time limit but are willing to accept a limited license to practice exclusively in an MUA or HPSA.


  • Accepts FCVS
  • Application Fee: $1475
  • Application Timeline: 2-6 months
Number of attempts at Licensing Exam:
  • Must pass all 3 Steps of USMLE in not more than a total of 9 attempts and must pass Step 3 in not more than a total of 3 attempts.
Minimum Postgraduate Training Required:
  • 3 years. An unlimited license may be granted to currently enrolled residents in a post graduate training program in the U.S. or Canada, that have completed at least 24 months of progressive post graduate training and meet all requirements for an unlimited license in the state of Nevada, including having passed all 3 steps of USMLE within the time period allowed by NAC 630.080 and commit in writing to the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners that they will complete the program and provide satisfactory completion of the program within 60 days after the scheduled completion of the program.
Time Limit for Completing Licensing Examination Sequence:
  • MD must pass all Steps of the exam within 7 years after the date on which the applicant first passes any Step of the exam; PhD must pass all Steps of the exam within 10 years after the date on which the applicant first passes any Step of the exam.

South Dakota

  • Highly recommends FCVS for International Medical Graduates only
  • Application Fee: $200
  • Application Timeline: 3-6 months
Number of attempts at Licensing Exam:
  • Allowed 3 attempts, must pass on third, for the USMLE or COMLEX examination.
Minimum Postgraduate Training Required:
  • Successful completion of a residency program.
Time Limit for Completing Licensing Examination Sequence:
  • 7 years to complete USMLE or COMLEX.
  • 10 years for Dual Program Degree MD-PhD Applicant.


  • Highly recommends FCVS for International Medical Graduates only.
  • Application Fee: $200
  • Application Timeline: 3-6 months
Number of attempts at Licensing Exam:
  • Allowed 3 attempts, must pass on third, for the USMLE or COMLEX examination.
Minimum Postgraduate Training Required:
  • Successful completion of a residency program.
Time Limit for Completing Licensing Examination Sequence:
  • 7 years to complete USMLE or COMLEX.
  • 10 years for Dual Program Degree MD-PhD Applicant.


  • Does Not accept FCVS
  • Application Fee: $500
  • Application Timeline: 1-5 months
Number of attempts at Licensing Exam:
  • 3 attempts per USMLE Step.
  • 3 attempts per COMLEX Level.
Minimum Postgraduate Training Required:
  • 1 year
  • 3 years IMG unless currently enrolled in a training program through University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
Time Limit for Completing Licensing Examination Sequence:
  • No limit on USMLE or COMLEX.

It is a good idea to have a basic knowledge of the state licensing process and which states are the most difficult states to get a medical license in. While you may not be apply for a new license every year, having a firm understanding of this process will help you when your license is up for a renewal, or maybe if you find yourself in a new job that moves you to a new state.  If this is the case, we recommended a professional licensure company to assist you with your medical license application. Medical License Pro can assist you with the medical license application process so you can focus on what is most important. Their team of experts will handle your application needs quickly and efficiently and will reduce your turnaround time by weeks, or even months. For more information, contact the professionals at Medical License Pro today!

When you apply for a medical license, consider all the variables. How quickly will your medical schools or postgraduate training programs provide information to your board? How long until your background check results are returned? All these factors contribute to how difficult this process can become.


The Medical Licensing process can be quite lengthy and difficult if you don’t know what you are doing.  Expect to spend numerous hours preparing the application, making the verification requests, following up with your credential holders, and addressing deficiencies on your notices from your State Medical Board, but…

What if someone offered to…
  • Determine your license eligibility
  • Make all credential verification requests
  • Follow up with credential holders
  • Handle additional Medical Board requests
  • Make your license process incredibly simple!
You should probably let them! 

Only $597 per State

Discounts available for multiple states, training licenses, and military.

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